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메디컬 일러스트 - scixart 제작 - 인체 T 세포, B 세포와 미생물, 박테리아의 상호 작용을 보여주는 아름다운 3D 의학 일러스트레이션


Scixart is an award-winning medical illustration and animation studio, experts at bringing complex science to clear and compelling visuals. We have been dedicated to science visualization, biopharma marketing, and sales for 10 years.


With academic backgrounds in science, we are science visualization experts committed to providing accurate science narratives and stories using meticulously drawn illustrations, animation, and design.


Once started, Scixart works with the client as a team to move the project forward. Throughout the process, we check in with you t to get valuable feedback to ensure that the visuals are in line with the goals of your project.

  • Medical artists with science master's degrees
    Scixart understands your science. We are medical illustrators and animators with a Master of Science in Biomedical Communications and a Master of Art in Biomedical Art. We are experts having academic backgrounds in immunology, microbiology, anatomy (dissection), pathology, neurology, genetics, astronomy, chemistry, physics, and etc.
  • Communication-centered conceptualization
    We provide storyboard and conceptualization services to help our clients visualize their science and estimate the visual style. We tailor visual strategies based on our clients' needs and goals all through the processes to achieve the best results.
  • Effective production processes and quality services
    We provide medical animation production services such as script writing, storyboarding, 3D production, video effects, and sound effects. Medical illustration production process comprise of four stages. We keep our clients informed and in the loop throughout the process to ensure the best possible outcome.
  • Striving for well-done science communication
    When translating science into motion graphics, there are principles to consider as well as new trends in media creation. We are always looking for innovative ways to improve how we carry out our mission. Please let us know how we can facilitate your needs.


The answers you need

  • Medical artists with science master's degrees
    Scixart understands your science. We are medical illustrators and animators with a Master of Science in Biomedical Communications and a Master of Art in Biomedical Art. We are experts having academic backgrounds in immunology, microbiology, anatomy (dissection), pathology, neurology, genetics, astronomy, chemistry, physics, and etc.
  • Communication-centered conceptualization
    We provide storyboard and conceptualization services to help our clients visualize their science and estimate the visual style. We tailor visual strategies based on our clients' needs and goals all through the processes to achieve the best results.
  • Effective production processes and quality services
    We provide medical animation production services such as script writing, storyboarding, 3D production, video effects, and sound effects. Medical illustration production process comprise of four stages. We keep our clients informed and in the loop throughout the process to ensure the best possible outcome.
  • Striving for well-done science communication
    When translating science into motion graphics, there are principles to consider as well as new trends in media creation. We are always looking for innovative ways to improve how we carry out our mission. Please let us know how we can facilitate your needs.


Scixart capabilities


Scixart aims at communicating science by producing compelling illustration and animation 

바이오메디컬 커뮤니케이터

과학 시각화 콘텐츠의 핵심 가치는 효과적인 정보 전달과 소통에 있습니다. 발전하는 과학에 발맞추어 사이엑스아트는 우수한 과학 커뮤니케이션 콘텐츠 개발과 발전을 위해 노력을 다하겠습니다.

손동휘 | Felix Donghwi Son

MSc Biomedical Communications, 토론토대학교

대표 | 사이엑스아트 (Scixart)

​국제이사 | 대한메디컬아티스트학회



Scixart, Korea


Medical artist

21GRAM Rad Science, USA


Research fellow-short term (Scientific visualization)

Research fellow-short term, NIH, USA


Researcher (Scientific visualization)

Institute of Biomedical Communications, Korea


Medical representative (Diabetes)

Eli Lilly and Company, Korea


Quality control (Pharmaceutical)

SK Chemical, Korea


Best in Show - 대상

AMI(Association of Medical Illustrators), USA


Korean Honor Award - 명예한국인상 (예술부분)

대한민국 외교부, Canada


우수작품상 - 의료인이 선정한 아티스트상

​대한메디컬아티스트학회, Korea


Inez Demonet - 최우수장학상

Vesalius Trust (Scientific Visualization), USA


Award of Excellence x 2 Times

AMI(Association of Medical Illustrators), USA


Award of Merit x 2 Times

AMI(Association of Medical Illustrators), USA


Accurate Scientific Visualization of SARS-CoV-2 

Delivered a presentation showcasing the research and visualization methodologies that accurately depict the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) by utilizing the latest scientific data and advanced 3D software | KAMVA, Korea


Coronavirus Public Domain 3D & 2D Illustrations

Published a series of public domain Coronavirus illustrations designed for journalists to use in press materials and press releases related to the Coronavirus and COVID-19 | KAMVA, Korea


The role of actin in cell motility | Master’s Research

Researched and created an educational 3D biomedical animation about the role of actin in cell motility to promote students’ understanding in cell biology | University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada


3D model creation from the Carnegie Human Embyro Collection

Developed a series of 3D models of human embryo collections to expand assets of National Library of Medicine library called NLM3D | NLM, NIH, Bethesda, USA



Research | Publication


Korean Honor Award


Award of Excellence


Best in Show


Inez Demonet


Kamva Award


Scixart is a multiple award-winning studio. We won Best in Show and Award of Excellent awards at the AMI, KAMVA annual conferences and were selected by the Korean government.

메디컬 일러스트 - scixart 제작 - 인체 T 세포, B 세포와 미생물, 박테리아의 상호 작용을 보여주는 아름다운 3D 의학 일러스트레이션


  • Best in Show, AMI, USA 

  • KAMVA Award, KAMVA, Korea

  • Award of Excellence, AMI, USA

  • Award of Merit, AMI, USA 

  • Inez Demonet, Vesalius Trust, USA

  • Korean Honor Award, Korean Government, Canada


MSc Biomedical Communications

University of Toronto, Canada

* NIH: National Institute of Health

* AMI: Association of Medical Illustrators

* KAMVA: Korean Association of Medical Visualization Artists



  • Founder of Scixart, Korea

  • Medical artist, 21GRAM Rad Science, USA

  • Research fellow-short term, NIH, USA

  • Eli Lilly and Company, Korea

  • SK Chemical, Korea


과학 커뮤니케이션 콘텐츠의 목적은 '효과적인 과학 정보의 전달과 유의미한 소통'입니다. 정보의 난이도, 작품의 목적, 청중의 수준을 고려한 디자인 전략을 적용할 필요가 있습니다. Scixart의 미션은 커뮤니케이션 디자인을 연구하고 작품에 적용하여 목적에 충실한 과학 콘텐츠를 제작하는 것입니다. 메디컬 일러스트메디컬 애니메이션을 링크 페이지에서 확인해 보세요. 


Scixart는 과학 지식과 탐구력, 커뮤니케이션 미디어 제작 기술을 겸비한 과학 및 예술 석사 전공의 전문적인 메디컬 일러스트레이터와 과학 커뮤니케이터입니다. 바이오 메디컬 아트 및 의학 바이오 산업에서 습득한 10년간의 경험과 노하우로 메디컬 일러스트와 메디컬 애니메이션을 제작합니다. Scixart Service 페이지에서 필요한 콘텐츠 제작 서비스를 확인해 보세요.


성숙하고 책임감 있는 협업 과정은 우수한 과학 커뮤니케이션 콘텐츠 제작으로 이어집니다. 고객사와 Scixart는 공통의 목표를 갖는 하나의 팀으로 양사의 전문성을 발휘하여 일러스트와 애니메이션을 제작하고 있습니다. 제작 단계 별로 고객사와 시안을 검토하며 고객의 의도와 과학의 정확성, Scixart 예술적 독창성과 전문성이 조화롭게 반영된 콘텐츠를 제작합니다.

Let us know how we can help

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